Plant Futures Chapter at the University of Michigan

On September 14, 2023, the Plant Futures Chpater at the University of Michigan had their first meeting today. It was a huge success! Around 14 people showed up in total.

But it wasn't just about discussions and plans; they spiced things up by making buffalo cauliflower wings for everyone. This delightful gathering kickstarted their journey towards a greener, plant-based future, filled with enthusiasm and a shared commitment to sustainability.

We’re eager to see more of this chapter! Thank you Ivy Zhao, Brandon Palomino-Alonso, and Kate Jarecke for putting this together!

Plant Futures

Creating a Diverse, Multi-disciplinary Talent Pipeline for the Global Plant-Rich Food and Agriculture Sectors

Plant Futures Harvard Chapter Brunch


Embracing the Season: Plant-Based Delights for Autumn