Welcoming Plant Futures Mexico's First Chapter with Dr. Castillo & Dr. Flores
We are thrilled to introduce the pioneering faculty stewards of PF México's inaugural chapter at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), Dr. Jorge Castillo and Dr. Fabiola Flores Monsivais.
They bring a wealth of experience and shared commitment to the advancement of Lifestyle Medicine and Culinary Medicine.
About Jorge and Fabiola:
Dr. Jorge Castillo is a distinguished Maxillofacial Surgeon and Pastry Chef. He has enhanced his expertise with plant-based nutrition studies at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies and Culinary Coaching at Harvard Medical School. He stands out as a pioneer of Culinary Medicine in Mexico and is a founding member of the Mexican College of Lifestyle Medicine . Currently, he is enriching the medical and nursing students' education at UABC Ensenada by teaching nutrition and promoting a plant-based diet as part of a comprehensive lifestyle medicine approach.
Dr. Fabiola Flores Monsivais is a distinguished medical professional and educator, with degrees from UABC and UNAM, combined with a Master's in Information Technology for Organizational Learning, she stands at the forefront of modern medical education. Certified in Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Flores Monsivais is dedicated to advancing plant-based nutrition and lifestyle health, both in academia and practice, enriching the UABC community with her innovative approaches and deep commitment to holistic health.
Joint Experiences:
Together, Drs. Castillo and Flores Monsivais have embarked on an innovative journey since 2018, founding the chair of Culinary Medicine at UABC Ensenada. Their collaborative efforts have established a groundbreaking educational curriculum focusing on the six pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, aimed at integrating plant-based nutrition into medical and nursing education. Their shared kitchen is recognized on the Teaching Kitchen Collaborative map as the first of its kind in Mexico and Latin America, a testament to their joint mission to redefine medical education and patient care. Visit their website at culinaryamedicinae.com and at the Lifestyle Clinic of ECS to learn more about their efforts.
Their combined expertise and shared vision for a healthier society through education and lifestyle changes form the backbone of PF Mexico's inaugural chapter at UABC. We are confident that their leadership and innovative approaches will inspire their chapter’s students and engage in transformative practices in their environments.
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Jorge Castillo and Dr. Fabiola Flores Monsivais to our community. Together, they embody the spirit of change and innovation that Plant Futures México aims to foster across the country.