Food 4 Thought Recap - Day Three

“This room is filled with the leaders that will actually transform the food system.” 

- Navin Durbhakula

It was a special day to honor all of the amazing work students are engaged with a variety of student-led workshops in the morning.  From understanding more effective media and framing strategies to better building food sovereignty, participants were able to learn from youth experts and gain a roadmap of further action.

Later, winners were announced for the Idea Lab. Our Rice University Chapter Leaders, Calla Doh and Jyotsna Harikrishna, represented one of the three winning teams. The winners focused on minimizing food waste, empowering consumers through strong sustainability-backed metrics and user-friendly labels, and providing platforms for increased local food production. 

It was bittersweet to then once again be met with Adam, Navin, Olivia, and Shawn as they shared their insights and parting advice.  What rang out the most clearly was how this community is alive and thriving and this was the first-ever student planned and executed event focused on food systems transformation. 

As students return to their respective schools, deep seeds and networks are formed and it will be exciting to witness the power we collectively cultivate.

The Third Day of the Food 4 Thought Festival culminated in a celebration of its core mission: empowering students to be the future leaders of food systems transformation. The student-led workshops and Idea Lab competition showcased the creativity and dedication of the next generation, echoing the Festival's commitment to education, innovation, and collaboration.


Inside Look: Plant Futures Challenge Lab x Sun World


Food 4 Thought Recap - Day Two